Philosophy and ChatGPT: Can AI Handle Life’s Toughest Questions?

※ 日本語訳は英文の後に掲載しています。

In November 2022, the American artificial intelligence research company OpenAI introduced its “Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT)”. This development led to a social debate about the potential benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence. But how helpful can ChatGPT really be when addressing complex issues? To examine this, I decided to test the model's ability to provide valuable insights and perspectives by asking the chatbot some of the most debatable philosophical questions.

What Is the Meaning of Life?

I started with the question of the meaning of life, a topic that continues to divide opinions until today. A look at the philosophical literature reveals a variety of approaches to answer this question. For example, existentialism argues that life has no inherent meaning; rather, each person can create their own subjective purpose through their actions. In contrast, absurdism argues that (as the name suggests) life is inherently absurd and can therefore never be fully understood. Alternatively, many people turn to religion to seek answers in the holy scriptures. Thus, it becomes clear that there are many differing opinions on the meaning of human existence. In this context, one might ask: How would ChatGPT respond to this philosophical question?

“Ah, the age-old question about the meaning of life. As an AI assistant, I don't possess personal beliefs or emotions, but I can provide you with some philosophical perspectives. The meaning of life is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. Some believe it is about finding happiness and fulfillment, while others see it as a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Ultimately, it's up to you to determine the meaning of your own life based on your values, aspirations, and experiences” (ChatGPT 3.5).

What Is love?

Another classic philosophical topic is the concept of love. Some scientists believe that love is simply a biological process that involves chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. But is that all there is to love—a mix of chemical messengers? There are various philosophical viewpoints on this matter. For instance, the German philosopher Erich Fromm suggests that love should be seen as a form of art, which, like any art, requires regular practice and dedication. This perspective encourages people to think of love not just as a feeling but as a skill that can be nurtured and improved over time. But what are ChatGPT's thoughts on love?

“Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be experienced in various ways. It is often described as a deep affection, attachment, or strong bond between individuals. Love can manifest in different forms, such as romantic love, familial love, or platonic love. It involves feelings of care, compassion, and a desire for the well-being and happiness of the person or thing that is loved. Love can bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of connection, but it can also be challenging and require effort and understanding. Ultimately, love is a deeply personal and subjective experience that can vary from person to person” (ChatGPT 3.5).

Does God Exist?

The question of the possible existence of God is one of the most sensitive philosophical matters. One of the most provocative statements on this topic was made by the renowned German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his influential works, The Gay Science (1882) and Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883-1885), where he famously proclaimed that "God is dead". This bold statement summarized his criticism of traditional religious beliefs and the social changes brought about by the Enlightenment. In contrast, religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism would most likely disagree and argue for the existence of God. While we may never know the definitive answer, what would ChatGPT actually say about it?

“The existence of God is a deeply philosophical and theological question that has been debated for centuries. As an AI assistant, I don't possess personal beliefs or opinions. The existence of God is a matter of faith and individual interpretation. Some people believe in the existence of a higher power or divine being based on religious teachings, personal experiences, or philosophical arguments. Others may hold atheistic or agnostic views, questioning or lacking belief in the existence of God. Ultimately, the question of God's existence is a deeply personal and subjective one, and different individuals may arrive at different conclusions based on their own perspectives and beliefs” (ChatGPT 3.5).

Ultimately, one could argue that ChatGPT’s neutral answer pattern reduces the philosophical significance of its responses. By consistently emphasizing its lack of personal opinions, beliefs, and emotions as an AI assistant, the chatbot's responses can feel somewhat uninspired. This absence of an “own opinion” creates a sense of detachment in discussions on complex subjects like philosophy, where the exploration of personal beliefs and emotional depth is necessary for a more engaging and meaningful conversation. At the moment, chatbots like ChatGPT are certainly helpful for simple questions, but when it comes to complex issues, engaging in conversation with other people is without doubt more beneficial.

2022年11月、米国のAI研究企業OpenAIが「Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer(ChatGPT)」を発表しました。この開発を機に、人工知能がもたらし得る恩恵と危険性をめぐる社会的議論が巻き起こりました。しかし、複雑な問題に取り組む際、ChatGPTは実際にどれほど有用なのでしょうか。これを検証するため、私は最も議論の分かれる哲学的な問いをチャットボットに投げかけ、価値ある洞察や視点を提供できるかどうかを試すことにしました。



「AIアシスタントである私には個人的な信念や感情はないものの、人生の意味という永遠の問いについて哲学的な視点から述べさせていただきます。人生の意味は主観的な概念であり、人それぞれ異なります。幸福や充実感の追求にあると考える人もいれば、自己発見や人格的成長の過程にあると見る人もいます。つまるところ、ご自身の価値観や志向、体験に照らして、あなた自身が人生の意味を見出していくことになるのです」(ChatGPT 3.5)。



「愛は複雑で多面的な感情であり、さまざまな方法で経験することができます。それはしばしば、個人間の深い愛情、愛着、または強い絆として説明されます。愛は、ロマンチックな愛、家族愛、プラトニックな愛など、さまざまな形で現れます。それは、愛される人や物の幸福と幸福への思いやり、そして思いやりの感情を含みます。愛は喜び、充実感、つながりの感覚をもたらすことができますが、それはまた困難であり、努力と理解を必要とすることもあります。結局のところ、愛とは深く個人的で主観的な体験であり、人によって異なる可能性があります」(ChatGPT 3.5)。



「神の存在は何世紀にもわたって議論されてきた哲学的・神学的な問いです。AIアシスタントとして、私は個人的な信念や意見を持ちません。神の存在は信仰と個人の解釈の問題です。ある人々は宗教的教え、個人的経験、哲学的議論に基づいて高次の力や神的存在を信じています。一方で無神論的あるいは不可知論的な見方を持ち、神の存在に疑問を持つまたは信じない人々もいます。究極的に、神の存在の問いは深く個人的で主観的なものであり、それぞれの人が自身の視点と信念に基づいて異なる結論に至る可能性があります。」(ChatGPT 3.5)。


OpenAI. (n.d.). ChatGPT. OpenAI.

ソシエタス総合研究所 研究員Niklas Holzapfel ホルツ アッペル ニクラス
ドイツ出身。Goethe University Frankfurt am Main(ヨハン・ヴォルフガン グ・ゲーテ大学フランクフルト・アム・マイン)にて日本学・中国学(学士、 法・経済分野)専攻して卒業後、1年間立教大学に留学。その後、Martin- Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg(マルティン・ルター大学ハレ・ヴィッテ ンベルク)大学院に進学し、日本学と南アジア学を専攻。同時に、経済・経営 学、英米学学士号(経営倫理分野)も取得。研究テーマ・関心は、現代日本社会 の構造、システム、制度をめぐる言説と、それらの社会哲学的・社会経済的視点 からの脱構築化の実践。2022年4月より、橋本財団ソシエタス総合研究所に 勤務し、主に日本の福祉制度をめぐる動きとその社会福祉政策(生活保護など) への影響についての研究に従事する。
ドイツ出身。Goethe University Frankfurt am Main(ヨハン・ヴォルフガン グ・ゲーテ大学フランクフルト・アム・マイン)にて日本学・中国学(学士、 法・経済分野)専攻して卒業後、1年間立教大学に留学。その後、Martin- Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg(マルティン・ルター大学ハレ・ヴィッテ ンベルク)大学院に進学し、日本学と南アジア学を専攻。同時に、経済・経営 学、英米学学士号(経営倫理分野)も取得。研究テーマ・関心は、現代日本社会 の構造、システム、制度をめぐる言説と、それらの社会哲学的・社会経済的視点 からの脱構築化の実践。2022年4月より、橋本財団ソシエタス総合研究所に 勤務し、主に日本の福祉制度をめぐる動きとその社会福祉政策(生活保護など) への影響についての研究に従事する。
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