Erich Fromm and ‘The Art of Loving’ エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』

※ 日本語訳は英文の後に掲載しています。


A short disclaimer in advance, I am only a philosopher by heart and not by training. Therefore, the following text only reflects my personal interpretation and lessons, which I took from Erich Fromm‘s ‘The Art of Loving’.

Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a renowned German social philosopher and psychoanalyst known for his insightful critiques of society. His published works, including 'Escape from Freedom' (1941), 'Man for Himself' (1947), 'The Sane Society' (1955), and 'The Art of Loving' (1956), earned him international acclaim. Interestingly, despite being a German author, Fromm's books achieved greater success abroad. This article examines the essential takeaways from the first chapter of 'The Art of Loving', emphasizing the concept of love as an art, the necessity of actively involving oneself in the act of loving, and the rationality of the dating market.

“The first step to take is to become aware that love is an art, just as living is an art; if we want to learn how to love we must proceed in the same way we have to proceed if we want to learn any other art, say music, painting, carpentry, or the art of medicine or engineering”
(p. 5).

The subject of love is very complex. Attempting to provide a concise definition for the term 'love' proves to be a challenging task. Erich Fromm suggests that love should be viewed as a form of art. Mastering an art requires not only a deep grasp of its theory and practice, but also a fundamental passion and dedication towards the art itself. This means that artists must hold their craft in the highest esteem, making it the central focus and priority in their lives. This attitude is exactly what people should adopt when it comes to love. By doing so, couples can strengthen their emotional bond, protecting their relationship from the threat of fading love. Unfortunately, as pointed out by Fromm, far too many people mistakenly believe that love should come easily and stay effortlessly. This misconception stems from a lack of understanding that falling in love is just the beginning, while staying in love requires continuous effort and dedication. 

“A second premise behind the attitude that there is nothing to be learned about love is the assumption that the problem of love is the problem of an object, not the problem of a faculty. People think that to love is simple, but that to find the right object to love—or to be loved by—is difficult” (p. 2).

In the world of classic love stories, there are unforgettable duos like Romeo and Juliet from the legendary pen of William Shakespeare, the passionate Jack and Rose portrayed in James Cameron’s epic ‘Titanic’, and the iconic pairing of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler in Margaret Mitchell's timeless masterpiece ‘Gone with the Wind’. These beloved couples have all enraptured audiences across the globe with their captivating tales of love. As a consequence, the search for a soulmate continues to be a common longing for many people, as they hope to find the perfect companion with whom they can share a lifetime of happiness. However, as Fromm pointed out, the true essence of love lies not in the object of our affection, but in the faculty of love itself. Far too many people underestimate the complexity and importance of learning how to love properly, and focus too much on external factors such as finding the perfect match. By shifting the focus from the object of love to the act of loving, Fromm argues that individuals can experience more fulfilling and meaningful relationships.”

“Two persons thus fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available on the market, considering the limitations of their own exchange value” (p. 3).

Capitalism did not only shape people's material desires, but also influenced their attitudes towards dating and relationships. In today's society, individuals often view potential partners as commodities to be acquired, each possessing certain qualities that are sought after, much like items in a store window (p. 3). As Erich Fromm pointed out, the modern pursuit of happiness is often tied to the act of acquiring things, whether it be material goods or a desirable partner. Therefore, the search for a romantic companion can be likened to an economic transaction, where individuals seek to maximize the benefits, they receive from the relationship. Despite this being accurate in theory and practice, Fromm urges us to move away from this rational mindset. He emphasises that the notion of love should not be seen as a transaction of goods, but instead as a meaningful connection built on genuine care and affection. Only by doing so, people will be able to experience the authentic meaning of love.

In the end, Erich Fromm's 'The Art of Loving' remains a remarkable book suitable for everyone who is intrigued by the spirituality, philosophy, and psychology associated with the pursuit and practice of love.



(p. 5)



“愛について学ぶことなど何もないという考え方の背景には、もう一つの前提があります。それは、愛の問題は愛する能力の問題ではなく、愛の対象を見つけることの問題だという思い込みです。多くの人は、愛すること自体は簡単だが、愛するべき適切な相手、あるいは自分を愛してくれる相手を見つけることが難しいと考えているのです。” (p. 2).



“二人の人間が恋に落ちるのは、自分の価値に見合う範囲で、いわば婚活市場で手に入れられる最高の相手を見つけたと感じたときである。(p. 3).

資本主義は、人々の物質的欲望を形作るだけでなく、恋愛や人間関係に対する態度にも大きな影響を与えてきました。現代社会では、多くの人が潜在的なパートナーを、ショーウィンドウに並ぶ商品のように見なし、求める特性を持った「獲得すべき対象」として扱う傾向があります (p. 3)。



Fromm, Erich (1956) ‘The Art of Loving’, online available at last accessed 06.07.2023.

ソシエタス総合研究所 研究員Niklas Holzapfel ホルツ アッペル ニクラス
ドイツ出身。Goethe University Frankfurt am Main(ヨハン・ヴォルフガン グ・ゲーテ大学フランクフルト・アム・マイン)にて日本学・中国学(学士、 法・経済分野)専攻して卒業後、1年間立教大学に留学。その後、Martin- Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg(マルティン・ルター大学ハレ・ヴィッテ ンベルク)大学院に進学し、日本学と南アジア学を専攻。同時に、経済・経営 学、英米学学士号(経営倫理分野)も取得。研究テーマ・関心は、現代日本社会 の構造、システム、制度をめぐる言説と、それらの社会哲学的・社会経済的視点 からの脱構築化の実践。2022年4月より、橋本財団ソシエタス総合研究所に 勤務し、主に日本の福祉制度をめぐる動きとその社会福祉政策(生活保護など) への影響についての研究に従事する。
ドイツ出身。Goethe University Frankfurt am Main(ヨハン・ヴォルフガン グ・ゲーテ大学フランクフルト・アム・マイン)にて日本学・中国学(学士、 法・経済分野)専攻して卒業後、1年間立教大学に留学。その後、Martin- Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg(マルティン・ルター大学ハレ・ヴィッテ ンベルク)大学院に進学し、日本学と南アジア学を専攻。同時に、経済・経営 学、英米学学士号(経営倫理分野)も取得。研究テーマ・関心は、現代日本社会 の構造、システム、制度をめぐる言説と、それらの社会哲学的・社会経済的視点 からの脱構築化の実践。2022年4月より、橋本財団ソシエタス総合研究所に 勤務し、主に日本の福祉制度をめぐる動きとその社会福祉政策(生活保護など) への影響についての研究に従事する。
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