
2022年にカナダで開催された国連環境計画(UNEP)の国連生物多様性会議(BCD COP15)において、アブダビ環境庁(EAD)の主導するプロジェクトが沿岸海洋生態系の回復・再生保全活動のトップテンに選ばれました。



海流は、地球の気温の安定、ひいては海洋生物と人間の生命にも大きな影響を及ぼします。 我々がアブダビの海洋生態系の回復の支援に取り組んでいるのは、こうした理由からです。昨年、国連環境計画で評価されたアブダビ海洋再生プログラムは、地域のジュゴン、 イルカ、ウミガメの個体数の保護とマングローブ、海草、サンゴ礁の生息域拡大を成し遂げたものです。









by Her Excellency Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri 
Secretary General of the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi

In late 2022, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) was internationally recognised by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) for its ongoing conservation efforts. The organisation named EAD-led programmes in the emirate among its top ten list of global initiatives to restore and rehabilitate coastal marine ecosystems, in line with the UN Biodiversity Conference (BCD COP15) held in Montreal, Canada.

The Agency’s leading Abu Dhabi Marine Restoration Programme was selected following an in-depth review of a compelling submission, which detailed the local and international initiatives that support the UAE Government’s large-scale, long-term vision for a green future.

Abu Dhabi’s wise leaders have a history of bringing sustainability to the forefront of the emirate’s development, with early mangrove planting and the elimination of dugong and turtle meat dating back to1970. Implemented by the Founding Father of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, those first steps were followed by additional environmental research efforts and species’ rehabilitation projects in the late 1990s.

In honour of Sheikh Zayed’s legacy – and his passion for preserving the UAE’s natural environment – the Agency has sought, and continues to seek, new ways to restore and rehabilitate the marine life that is so intrinsic to the country’s culture and heritage.

The coastal areas of Abu Dhabi are biodiversity havens, housing multiple different habitats that support a variety of marine species and fish. As the largest ecosystem on earth, the ocean is a significant contributor to animal and plant life, climate regulation – storing 90 per cent of the additional heat caused by global warming – and food supplies, with fish comprising 20 per cent of animal proteins to approximately three billion people. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, over 40 per cent of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometres of the coast – with 56 million people working in the aquaculture sector – making enhanced management of coastal and marine resources vital to global food security.

The ocean’s currents play a role in regulating the stability of the planet’s temperatures, and in turn, the longevity of both marina and human life.

It is for these reasons, and more, that EAD has committed to furthering the late Sheikh Zayed’s mission to support the rehabilitation of the country’s marine ecosystems. The Agency’s ongoing Marine Restoration Programme, as recognised by the UN, has seen the conservation of Abu Dhabi’s dugong, dolphin, and turtle populations, as well as the growth of mangrove, sea grass, and coral reef habitats.

The programme’s mangrove restoration effort, over the last 10 years, has seen 15 million mangrove trees planted across Abu Dhabi – a 35 per cent increase from the initial density. Today, the total mangrove area exceeds 176 kilometres of natural and cultivated trees. The initiative is the first of its kind in the region to see such growth, marking the UAE as one of only a few countries globally to have successfully increased the expanse of its mangrove population.

As the most efficient natural carbon capture and storage systems on the planet, the Agency has calculated that the mangroves in Abu Dhabi store carbon at a rate of 0.5 tonnes per hectare annually – equivalent to 8,750 tonnes at the emirate level and to the energy consumption of 1,000 homes per year. Our ongoing planting efforts are underpinned by the UAE’s overarching goal to plant 100 million mangroves by 2030, and which will contribute to the achievement of Net Zero by 2050. Moreover, the UAE was the first in the region to declare this ambitious goal of Net Zero by 2050 climate neutrality strategic initiative.

Our Marine Restoration Programme has also positively impacted the reversal of fish stock depletion, demonstrated by a four-year improvement in the ‘Sustainable Exploitation Index’. The implementation of an emirate-wide fishing-related policy that introduced new measures and procedures served as a fillip to the index, resulting in an increase from 8.9 per cent in 2018 to over 69 per cent by the end of 2022.

Running parallel to its mangrove planting and fish stock initatives, the Agency has dedicated programmes to support the local coastal megafauna – including dugongs and sea turtles. Despite challenging climate factors, like high temperatures and increased salinity in the water, EAD’s efforts have proven effective. Boasting 7,300 dugongs, Abu Dhabi currently accounts for the world’s second-largest dugong population after Australia, and its waters are home to over 5,000 of the critically endangered Hawksbill and Green Turtle species, as well as approximately 100 finless porpoises. The wider Gulf waters are home to over 500 fish species – an astonishing array of biodiversity that we need to safeguard.

The Marine Restoration Programme’s international acclaim is supported by its local and regional success, including its impact on job creation, the promotion of the UAE’s eco-tourism, and the development of innovative research methods. The Agency also worked closely with leading industry partners, building key relationships with the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE), the United National Environment Program (UNEP), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Through these collaborations, some 7,500 hectares of Abu Dhabi’s coastal areas have undergone widespread restoration – and EAD plans to restore another 4,500 hectares by 2030. As we look ahead, we are taking additional steps to improve our knowledge base, using technology-driven research methods to ensure a holistic approach to data collection. Leveraging solutions like DNA fingerprinting, e-DNA, aerial surveys, drone footage, satellite tagging, and research toolkits, we will enhance our understanding of habitat temperature changes, species behaviour, and seasonal migration patterns.

The capture of comprehensive and accurate data trends is critical in the identification of early warning signs, allowing EAD to employ timely and appropriate mitigation measures. The Agency’s continued management of marine protected areas, along with ongoing restoration efforts and the fostering of international partnerships, will serve as the foundations from which Abu Dhabi’s ecosystem will continue to flourish.

With the UAE declaring 2023 as the ‘Year of Sustainability’ – and as the UAE prepares to host COP28 in November – the Agency remains more committed than ever to the vision of the UAE’s leadership – especially due to our leadership role in sustainability. We will be cooperating with public and private sector organisations across all key sectors to achieve the delicate balance between the development of Abu Dhabi and the conservation of its environment.

Keeping the livelihoods of future generations at the forefront of all its decision making, EAD strives to cultivate a symbiotic environment where humans and wildlife can thrive together. The Agency’s targeted programmes and forward-thinking strategies serve as springboards that will enable future generations to sustainably prosper – all while using proven methods and historical data to advance modern conservation efforts.

アブダビ環境庁長官 Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (ead.gov.ae)シャイカ・サレム・アル・ダヘリ
H.E. Dr Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri/中東最大の環境規制機関であるアブダビ環境庁(EAD)の事務局長であり、首長国の自然資源の保護・保全と持続可能な開発の促進担当。野生生物の保護と保全の博士号を取得、環境科学および環境種、生物保全学の修士号を取得。2012年に陸域・海洋生物多様性セクターのエグゼクティブ・ディレクターに就任、アブダビにおける生物多様性の包括的な理解を促進するためのイニシアチブを率先し、アブダビの持続可能な環境と未来を促進するため、同部門の明確なビジョンの確立に決定的な役割を果たした。環境保護と種の保存の分野に革新的なアイデアと解決策を導入し、生物多様性、保護地域、絶滅危惧種、漁業に関する数多くのプログラムの実施を監督。2021年には国際自然保護連合(IUCN)の西アジア地域評議員に2度目の再選。IUCN UAE国内委員会の委員長、「国連生態系回復の10年」諮問委員会のメンバーでもある。
H.E. Dr Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri/中東最大の環境規制機関であるアブダビ環境庁(EAD)の事務局長であり、首長国の自然資源の保護・保全と持続可能な開発の促進担当。野生生物の保護と保全の博士号を取得、環境科学および環境種、生物保全学の修士号を取得。2012年に陸域・海洋生物多様性セクターのエグゼクティブ・ディレクターに就任、アブダビにおける生物多様性の包括的な理解を促進するためのイニシアチブを率先し、アブダビの持続可能な環境と未来を促進するため、同部門の明確なビジョンの確立に決定的な役割を果たした。環境保護と種の保存の分野に革新的なアイデアと解決策を導入し、生物多様性、保護地域、絶滅危惧種、漁業に関する数多くのプログラムの実施を監督。2021年には国際自然保護連合(IUCN)の西アジア地域評議員に2度目の再選。IUCN UAE国内委員会の委員長、「国連生態系回復の10年」諮問委員会のメンバーでもある。
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