A short disclaimer in advance. I am only a philosopher by heart and not by training. Therefore, the following text only reflects my personal interpretation and lessons, which I took from the philosophy of Stoicism.
The history of the philosophy of Stoicism goes back to the wealthy merchant Zeno of Citium (Cyprus). It was around 300 BCE when Zeno suffered a severe shipwreck near Athens. After losing all his precious goods, the miserable salesman began to wander around the city. One day, during his stay in Athens, he discovered the work of the famous philosopher Socrates. Arguably, this encounter gave birth to the philosophical movement of Stoicism. The name ‘Stoicism’ originates from the ‘stoa poikilê’, a famous roofed colonnade where Zeno held his lectures and engaged in discussions with his students. The philosophy of Stoicism is based on four key principles, often called ‘Cardinal Virtues ‘: (I) Wisdom, (II) Temperance, (III) Justice and (IV) Courage. By living one’s life according to the ‘Cardinal Virtues ‘, Stoicism offers a way to achieve spiritual liberation and fulfillment in life. This article aims to provide three rules for life based on the teachings of Stoicism.
Rule I. – Reality over Imagination
You have power over your mind –
not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
– Marcus Aurelius
Stoicism emphasizes the significance of our imagination in shaping our state of mind. That’s why the Stoics, like Marcus Aurelius, gave us the advice that our imagination should never rule over our consciousness. Negative emotions and feelings like anxiety, despair, or depression are only able to emerge in our minds because we allow them to. To quote the Stoic Epictetus: “Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems”. Or in the words of the Stoic Seneca: “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality”. Stoicism encourages us to critically assess the ‘here and now’. Essentially, the Stoics divided the worldly life into two dichotomous domains; the internal and the external one. Everything that lies in the internal domain can be influenced by us, while everything in the external domain remains unaffected by our actions. For example, we cannot prevent an illness or other misfortune from befalling us, but we can decide how to react to it. According to the teachings of Stoicism, the acknowledgement of the existence of worldly limitations represents a feasible way to achieve spiritual liberation.
Rule II. – ‘Amor Fati ‘
“Don’t seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will—
then your life will flow well.”
– Epictetus
The famous German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued once that greatness in a human being can only be achieved through the concept of ‘amor fati‘. The term ‘amor fati’ can be best translated as ’love of fate’. It was fate that allowed us to exist and thus deserves our admiration. In fact, Nietzsche believed that we should accept every aspect of life with enthusiasm. In a sense, it meant to develop gratitude for our lives as a whole. The idea of loving one's destiny is also one of the most important tenets of Stoic philosophy. It teaches us that fate might be a cruel mistress, but that it lies in our hands how we react when destiny strikes us down. Like Nietzscheanism, Stoicism does not simply believe in the cultivation of acceptance. It rather encourages us to fully appreciate our fate. To give an example, the Stoic Epictetus was a slave who was tortured and later crippled by his master. Nonetheless, he never wished for a different life. He embraced his earthly condition and developed emotional strength as a result. By doing so, he was able to visualize his personal path of virtue. If we accept that everything happens for a reason, we too can draw strength from it.
Rule III. – ‘Memento Mori’
“Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day…The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.”
– Seneca
Death is an inevitable part of our lives. Nonetheless, we tend to remain silent when it comes to the subject of our upcoming end. Such behaviour is more than understandable, since death reminds us of the transitoriness and fragility of our existence. But does it really make sense to fear the unavoidable? Stoicism considers the human death as a natural phenomenon. In the words of the Stoic Marcus Aurelius: “Death, like birth, is just a natural process, material elements combining, growing, decaying and finally separating and completely dispersing”. Essentially, Stoicism aims to rationalize and, therefore, to demystify the act of dying itself. Far too often, we suffer more in our imagination than in reality. The act of talking openly and reasonably about our upcoming eternal rest allows us to overcome our anxiety and fear of death (thanatophobia). In the words of Epictetus: “I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it”. One step further, Stoicism even encourages us to embrace the inevitability of our departure from life. Modern Stoics call this concept ’memento mori’, which can be best translated as ’remember you must die’. This proverb serves as a reminder that death is an omnipresent and uncontrollable force in our lives. In other words, we should be prepared to die at any time. By doing so, whenever our end may come, we will be able to welcome it with open arms.
ルール I. - 想像より現実を優先する
- マルクス・アウレリウス
ルールII – 運命愛
- エピクテトス
ドイツの著名な哲学者フリードリヒ・ニーチェは、人間の偉大さは「amor fati」という概念によってのみ達成されると説いた。「amor fati」とは 「運命愛」と訳すのが一番しっくりくる。つまり、私たちを存在せしめるものは運命であり、それゆえ称賛に値する、ということである。実際、ニーチェは、人生のあらゆる局面を大いに喜んで受け入れるべきであると考えた。いわば、人生そのものに対する感謝の念を抱く、ということだ。運命を愛するという考え方は、ストイシズムにおいても最も重要な教義の一つである。ストイシズムは、運命は残酷な愛人かもしれないが、運命に打ちのめされたときにどう対応するかは、私たちの手に委ねられていると説く。しかしながら、ストイシズムは、ニーチェ哲学のように、単に運命を受け入れる力を養うことを唱えるものではない。むしろ、自分の運命の尊さを十分に認識することを促している。例えば、ストア派のエピクテトスは奴隷として生まれ、主人から拷問を受けたために後に体に障害を負うこととなる。しかし、彼は決して別の人生を望まず、自分の置かれた状況を心から受け入れ、その結果、精神的な強さを身につけたという。エピクテトスは、そうすることで、自身の美徳の道を見いだしたといえる。すべての出来事には理由があると受け入れれば、私たちもそこから強さを引き出すことができるのである。
ルールIII - 'メメント・モリ(死を忘ることなかれ)'
- ルキウス・アンナエウス・セネカ
死は、私たちの人生において避けられないものである。にもかかわらず、私たちは自分の死の話題を避けがちだ。無理もない――なぜなら、死は私たちの存在のはかなさともろさを思い起こさせるからだ。しかし、避けられないものを恐れることは、本当に意味があるのだろうか。ストイシズムは、人間の死を自然現象であるととらえる。ストア派のマルクス・アウレリウスの言葉を借りれば、「死は、誕生と同じく自然現象であり、物質的な要素が結合し、成長し、腐敗し、最後に分離して完全に散逸するというプロセスの一環にすぎない」のである。つまり、ストア学派は、「死ぬ」という行為そのものを合理化し、そして、そのベールをはがすことを目指しているといえる。私たちは、現実よりも想像の中で苦しんでいることがあまりにも多い。自身の最期の時について率直に、理性的に話すことで、死に対する不安や恐怖(thanatophobia)を克服することができるのである。エピクテトスが言うように、「(人は)死から逃れることはできないが、少なくともその恐怖からは逃れることができる」。さらに一歩進んで、ストイシズムは、死の必然性を喜んで受け入れるように説く。現代のストア学派の哲学者はこの考え方を「Memento Mori(メメント・モリ)」と呼ぶが、これは「死ぬことを忘ることなかれ」と訳すのが最も適切であろう。この諺は、死が私たちの人生において常に存在し、克服できないものであることを思い出させる。そして、私たちはいつでも死ねるように心の準備しておくべきだと諭す。そうすることで、いつ死が訪れても、両手を広げて迎えることができるだろう。
Aurelius Antoninus, M. (transl. by Hutcheson, F. and Moore, J.) (2008) ‘The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ‘, online available at https://files.libertyfund.org/files/2133/Aurelius_1464_LFeBk.pdf accessed at 16.11.2022.
Daily Stoic (2022) ‘What is Stoicism? ‘, online available at https://dailystoic.com/ accessed at 16.11.2022.
Daily Stoic (2022) ‘12 (Stoic) Rules for Life: An Ancient Guide to the Good Life ‘, online available at https://dailystoic.com/12-rules-for-life/ accessed at 16.11.2022. ‘
Epictetus (Publ. Project Gutenberg) (2004) ‘A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus with the Encheiridion ‘, online available at http://pioneer.chula.ac.th/~pukrit/bba/Epictetus.pdf accessed at 16.11.2022.
Nietzsche, F. (ed. Levy, O.) (1911) ‘The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche‘, online available at https://www.holybooks.com/wp-contenthttps://www.hashimotozaidan.or.jp/uploads/The-complete-works-of-Friedrich-Nietzsche-VOL-XVII.pdf accessed at 16.11.2022.
Pigliucci, M. (2017) ‘The Philosophy of Stoicism’, online available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9OCA6UFE-0 accessed at 16.11.2022.
Seneca, L. A. (1969) (transl. by Campbell, R.) ‘Letters from a Stoic ‘, online available at https://hillelettersfromstoic.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/letters-from-a-stoic_lucius-annaeus-seneca.pdf accessed at 16.11.2022.
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