Opinions 特別連載企画をはじめるにあたり

(The English version of the article follows)




2年ほど前、とあるミックスルーツ(“ハーフ”)の女性が「初対面カード」というものを作成したということがツイッター上で拡散され、話題となりました(HuffingtonPost, 2020)。女性は、毎日のように初対面の人から、興味本位で、自身の人種・ルーツのこと、外見のこと、両親の馴れ初めといったプライベートな事柄まで聞かれることにうんざりし、そうした質問事項への回答をまとめたカードを作成して渡しはじめたのだといいます。こうした自身の経験について紹介する記事において、女性は「『ハーフですか?』と聞かれる度に、周囲に『他所者』と認識されていることを再確認する。そしてそれに続く質問はまるで門番からの尋問のよう」と述べます。


わたしたちは、初対面の人と会話をする際、多くの場合、その人について何も知らないので、失礼にあたることは聞かないよう、一定の配慮をします。ところが、意識してではないにしろ、そうした「配慮」をするべき人、しなくて良い人を区別していることがあります。後者の人を「配慮」の対象から外すことは一種の「他者化(othering)」現象(Kitzinger & Wilkinson, 1996)ですが、文化的背景や人種などが異なるために「違う」と判断される人に対して配慮を怠り、一方的に自身の関心・好奇心のために“消費”することは、彼らを「他者化」することであり、一種の「暴力」であるといえます。



We, the Opinions Project members, are launching a new special issue with a series of articles, entitled “VOICE -diverse voices of diverse people-”. The issue will shed light on people with diverse cultural backgrounds who live in Okayama Prefecture. The issue aims to highlight nuances of who they are as individuals and their experiences in Okayama, and we hope that the issue will be a tool to challenge societal stereotypes against diverse groups of people and to promote multiculturalism in Okayama. We plan to publish articles continuously overtime for this issue.

For readers of the current issue, reading its series of articles will be an opportunity to “meet” various people. You may find some of them to be similar to those you know, or have seen in town, while others appear completely unfamiliar to you. Imagine you meet these people, who you might first assume to be “different” from you, for the first time—how would you react and what would you think in such a scenario? Some of you may try to ask questions about their country or culture of origins, while others may wonder why they live in Japan (or Okayama). For many people, meeting someone whom one might first assume to be “different” could be exciting and fun, and may serve as an opportunity to learn “something new.”

Meanwhile, have you ever experienced being at the opposite end of such encounter, or have you imagined what it’s like to be in such position? —That is, what it’s like to be considered as “different” from the majority of people and become targeted with a series of questions that examine you and your culture/country of origin?

About two years ago, a biracial (ha-fu) woman posted on Twitter about her experience of creating what she calls first-time meeting cards, and the post was widely shared on the platform (HuffingPost, 2020). According to her, she created the cards because of her frustrating experiences as a mixed-race person in Japan; She often gets asked various kinds of questions—about her race, her appearance, and even some personal topics such as matters about her parents—by people whom she just met. Exhausted from getting these questions from strangers almost every day, she created cards with the list of common questions she receives and corresponding answers, and started handing one to anyone who initiates to ask random questions to her. In the article that summarizes her experiences, the woman states: “Every time I am asked, ‘Are you ha-fu?’ I am reminded that people perceive me as an outsider. And a series of questions that follows feels like torture from a gatekeeper.”

Her story is somewhat relatable to me (the author of this article), as I share similar experiences from when I was studying in the United States. It was very common for me to receive various kinds of random questions from someone I’d barely known—from questions about Japanese culture (both traditional cultures and anime) and social issues in the country (e.g., labor issues, people’s attitudes toward relationships, media representations of women as sexual objects), to questions asking me about my own opinions and personal experiences related to these matters. While I recognized myself to be different from the majority of people (particularly white people) in the United States, I could not help but feel like I was being consumed for the sake of someone’s curiosity (about Japan and its people) whenever I was getting these questions.

Normally, we act politely when we meet someone for the first time, and avoid asking questions that can be considered rude. Whether it is intentional or not, however, it is often the case that some groups of people (usually majority groups) are treated with the basic courtesy, while others (usually minority groups) are not. When certain minoritized groups of people do not get the basic courtesy in everyday interactions, one can say that they are being othered (Kitzinger & Wilkinson, 1996). Thus, if we weaponize our curiosity toward specific groups of people and fail to treat them with courtesy when we ask them questions, we engage in a form of violence against them by othering them.

Our writers for the current special issue interview diverse groups of people to write articles, but we try to be conscious of the possibility of engaging in such violence when we create interview questions and conduct interviews. This is because we believe that, by doing so, we can minimize the possibility of actually engaging in othering our interviewees. As a part of this effort, we do not have a set of questions that are asked to every interviewee, but rather, we aim to ask them questions so that they feel comfortable narrating their experiences in Okayama and their life histories. And the upcoming articles will include these narratives in their (mostly) original forms.

It would be our wish that readers of the new special issue keep back in their mind that each article for the special issue is written after going through this process of questioning our own tendency to other those who are considered “different” from us. And it is also our sincere hope that readers keep in mind the following when they read the upcoming articles; that the current issue is not meant to be a source of entertainment about different countries or cultures, and that people who you “meet” through the articles live their everyday lives in Okayama just like everyone else and have their own life histories that lead to their current lives in Okayama. Imagine that you are drinking tea with one of the interviewees and enjoying conversations—that may help you feel like you are getting to know the person in real life!

HuffingtonPost 「ミックスの私が『初対面カード』を配る理由。それは無言のプロテスト」, 2020年7月.
Kitzinger, C., & Wilkinson, S. (1996). Theorizing representing the other. In S. Wilkinson & C. Kitzinger (Eds.), Representing the Other: A Feminism & Psychology Reader (pp. 1-32).

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