2019年、神奈川県川崎市で、中国人実習生が、生まれたばかりの男児を民家敷地に放置したとして、保護責任者遺棄罪に問われた。この女性は、寮で男児を出産、そのまま毛布にくるみ、大きめのビニール袋に入れて、川崎市内の民家の玄関付近に置いたという。上司に中国への帰国を迫られることを恐れてのことである。実習生は、保護責任者遺棄罪を認めて懲役1年6ヶ月、執行猶予4年の判決を言い渡され、男児は保護され乳児院へ引き取られた。 (2020/12/29,毎日新聞)
2020年、岡山県津山市でベトナム人実習生が乳児死体遺棄容疑で逮捕され、妊娠4~5ヶ月の胎児を中絶した疑いで再逮捕された。技能実習生は警察に、妊娠すると祖国に送り返されるとことになるので胎児を中絶したと話した。(2020/12/29, 毎日新聞)
2020年、広島県東広島市で、ベトナム人技能実習生が新生児の死体遺棄で逮捕起訴された。帰国を恐れて経営者に伝えなかった。出産したとみられる日の前後も実習先に出勤していた。ただ、医療機関に通った形跡はなく、従業員たちも妊娠に気付いていなかったようだ。(2020/11/13, Japan Today)
妊娠差別と移民女性の問題は、交差性と三重差別という関連概念を用いるなら、「女性」、「妊娠」、「移民」という3つの差別理由があると言える(Fair Labor 2018)。構造が交錯することでより脆弱となるのである。
世界の男女平等ランキングで120位(156カ国)の日本は、働く女性に「マタニティ・ハラスメント」が影響する社会である。妊娠中や出産後間もない日本人女性は、降格や言葉の暴力、解雇などを受けたと報告している(nippon.com 2020)。妊娠により、女性の労働力としての価値を低くみられているのである。さらに、日本ではいまなお女性の避妊薬へのアクセスを改善する必要性が叫ばれている。こうしたジェンダー的な問題は、リプロダクティブ・ヘルス(性と生殖に関する健康)に関する教育の不足や、計画外の妊娠に対する社会的スティグマ(負のイメージ)、特に女性に対するスティグマによって、さらに深刻化している。
2019 January: a Chinese intern was arrested in Kanagawa after abandoning her baby due to fears that her supervisors would force her to return to China (Mainichi 2020).
2019 April: a Vietnamese intern was arrested in Fukuoka for infant corpse abandonment of a stillborn baby (Asahi 2019).
2020 April: a Vietnamese intern was arrested in Tsuyama, Okayama for infant corpse abandonment and re-arrested for suspected abortion of a 4-5 months old fetus. She told the police "I aborted the fetus because getting pregnant as a trainee means being sent back to your home country" (Mainichi 2020).
2020 October: a Vietnamese intern was indicted in Kumamoto for abandoning twins after hiding her pregnancy. She said that she did not know who to talk to and hid her pregnancy because she feared losing her internship and being forcibly returned to Vietnam (Mainichi 2020).
2020 November, a Vietnamese intern was arrested and indicted in Hiroshima for abandoning the body of a newborn child. She didn’t tell her manager for fear of being sent back to Vietnam (Japan Today, 2020).
The Technical Internship Training Program (TITP) was introduced in 1993. It has been internationally criticized for being a recruitment method for low-cost temporary labor fraught with human rights violations. In 2009, the TITP became subject to the Labor Standards Act by the revision of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which recognized interns as workers. In 2017, the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) was established to manage the program, which includes providing “support and protection for technical intern trainees”. In 2018, the number of workers certified by the OTIT as technical interns was over 389,000.
In response to questioning by the opposition party in March 2021, the government mentioned for the first time that factors of “difficulties in continuing internships” included pregnancy or childbirth among interns. It was revealed that from 2017 to 2020, 637 reports citing reasons of pregnancy or childbirth as a difficulty had been documented. In other words, at least one person every two days is interrupting, or being made to terminate, their training due to pregnancy.
In July 2021, we (Societas Research Institute), contacted the OTIT to inquire about the number of technical interns who were dismissed or returned to their home countries due to pregnancy. They replied, "We do not have an official tally. We cannot disclose it, and have no plans to disclose it.”
Previously, in March 2019, the Ministry of Justice/Immigration Services Agency, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the OTIT issued a joint warning to the implementing and supervising organizations. It was a reminder that Article 9 of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which prohibits disadvantageous treatment (e.g., dismissal) on the grounds of marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth, also applies to technical interns. This also means that interns are entitled to the same rights as Japanese working women who become pregnant.
Further, the OTIT manual about technical intern training states that, “It is prohibited by law for technical intern trainees to be subjected to... disadvantageous treatment such as dismissal due to marriage, pregnancy, or childbirth. Furthermore, in case of pregnancy and childbirth, you will be eligible for maternity leave.” In detail, pregnant interns’ rights include receiving modified working hours, lighter workload, and childcare or medical checkup times off.
The responsibility of conveying these labor rights to the interns lies with the implementing and supervising organizations. In theory, the interns’ rights regarding pregnancy and childbirth are to be included in the initial post-arrival training period.
However, no data has been released by the OTIT about the extent to which the warnings against pregnancy discrimination has been put into practice across the country. From the increasing reports of cases such as infant abandonment by interns, the reality shows that information dissemination and adherence to guidelines (by employers) are inadequate.
Recently in Okayama, Vietnamese interns have returned home after becoming pregnant. People who knew them said that it is well known that interns must stop their training and return to their home countries if they become pregnant.
Without a doubt, the government-issued warnings to the supervising and implementing organizations cannot be said to be sufficient. The information has not reached those who it is supposed to protect. It can be said that this is, in many ways, compounded by issues general to Japanese society, such as the ineffectiveness of top-down information dissemination.
However, in the issue of pregnancy discrimination against migrant women, broader structures can be seen to intersect to give rise to this increased vulnerability. Drawing on the related concepts of intersectionality and triple discrimination, pregnant technical interns are discriminated on three grounds: woman, pregnant, and migrant (Fair Labor 2018).
To revisit the issue of information dissemination for the general public, it is often the case that migrants without Japanese proficiency face higher barriers in accessing information. Within the context of this system, which currently functions to exploit temporary migrant workers, it becomes likely that rights and services that migrant workers are entitled to are not conveyed to them upon arrival or during training.
Japan, the 120th country (/156 countries) in the global gender equality ranking, is a society where “maternity harassment” (マタハラ)impacts working women. Japanese women who were pregnant or had recently given birth reported being demoted, verbally harassed, or being fired from their jobs (Nippon.com 2020). That is, the possibility of pregnancy still functions to devalue women’s labor in the workplace. Further, there are still calls for the need to improve access to birth control pills in Japan. These gendered issues are compounded by a lack of education on reproductive health and social stigma against unplanned pregnancies, particularly toward women.
Considering these factors, being at the intersection of woman, pregnant, and migrant (especially as a technical intern) can result in an increased vulnerability.
If top-down information is failing technical interns who become pregnant from accessing and enacting their rights, local approaches should be mobilized. It starts with building general community awareness about the interns’ entitlements to take maternity leave and give birth in Japan if they wish to, have an abortion, or choose adoption or foster care.
Concretely, this can be increasing 「やさしい日本語」materials about the choices available to the mother upon discovering pregnancy, multilingual consultation services at local ob-gyns and hospitals, making contraceptives and education about reproductive health more accessible across the wider community, and increasing awareness about adoption options.
Improving access to information and health services at the local level can benefit not only pregnant migrant women, but women and migrants generally. The intersecting structures identified as potential sources of this increased vulnerability for pregnant migrant women should be addressed in solidarity with these broader groups for the overall wellbeing of the community.
Mainichi, 2020: Why do some foreign trainees in Japan abandon their babies?
Nippon.com, 2020: Study Assesses “Maternity Harassment” in Japanese Workplaces
Asahi, 2019: 男児を死産、そのまま遺棄した疑い 技能実習生を逮捕
Fair Labor, 2018: Triple Discrimination: Woman, Pregnant, and Migrant
Mochizuki, 2021: 彼女がしたことは犯罪なのか。あるベトナム人技能実習生の妊娠と死産
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